Tag Archives: Cape Town

Sneaky Thierry, the carnival & a dead monkey (Cape Town photos pt2)

As promised, here’s a pictorial summary of the latter days of my Cape Town adventure. [see high-res]

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The calm before the storm [and a creepy Ally McCoist “encounter”…]

OK, I’m lying so it’s not at all calm. I’ve nipped in off of Cape Town’s Long Street to an internet cafe for a while as it’s pretty deafening between the continuous drone of vuvuzelas and a wrath of accompanying … Continue reading

Posted in Cape Town, Photos, South Africa | Tagged , , , 3 Comments

Cape Town is, eh, “ready” for the World Cup

I mean with 96 hours to go you’d kind of hope that they were on top of things… South Africa is world-renowned for being ridiculously disorganised and dangerous. Happy to report that so far there’s little evidence of either so … Continue reading

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