Tag Archives: Toronto

My TIFF 2011 movie schedule!

336 films. 11 days. Another year has rolled around. It’s been 12 months since I kinda kick-started my blog for the first time after a hiatus and wrote My TIFF 2010 movie schedule! and TIFF thoughts & 123 movie reviews. … Continue reading

Posted in Canada, featured, Movies, TIFF | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 1 Comment

Hot Docs 2011 preview & thoughts

What’s up doc… Without sounding too rosemantic, there are some wonderful things about living in North America. I’m not talking about twinkies, maple syrup or Hershey’s cookies and cream. I’m actually talking about film festivals. Showcases for films looking for … Continue reading

Posted in Canada, featured, Hot Docs, Movies | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 1 Comment

WRESTLEMAAAaaa…… satellite signal lost

!”£$%^&*)_+!”£$%^&* Just back from Toronto’s Scotiabank theatre where I decided, after this afternoon’s foray into wrestler deaths, to go nostalgia-crazy and watch Wrestlemania XVII live. With other people. And buckets of popcorn. And coca-cola-coked up kids. And a ridiculously extortionate … Continue reading

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Nine Types of Light [a post about TV on the Radio. And fun physics]

“Something that makes things visible or affords illumination.” So, a few days ago, the new TV on the Radio album, Nine Types of Light, leaked.  This thick ooozy leak seeped right into the dredges of my Google Reader, giving me … Continue reading

Posted in featured, Music | Tagged , , , , , , , , 1 Comment

Villagers | Live @ The Drake Underground, Toronto, Sept 27th 2010 [w/ Lost in the Trees]

On a sunlit stage… Villagers played here in Toronto on Monday night in the lovely Drake Hotel‘s basement venue for the paltry sum of $10 (€8). I only realised before the show that I hadn’t been to a proper paid … Continue reading

Posted in Canada, featured, Ireland, Live Reviews, Music | Tagged , , , , , 2 Comments