Twitter activitiez for 2010-07-02

  • Sorry, forgot you were one quarter ghanain. In go uruguay!! Shove it africa! RT @NoelRock: @wheatln2 Shove it Nigel… #
  • Ghana legend Samuel kuffour is on ss3, seems devastated. Says suarez made the sacrifice any player would have. #
  • Hmmm. i may be the only non-uruguayan in south africa happy to see that penalty go in and ghana go home. Better team go through! #worldcup #
  • WHAT BALLS! Go go uruguay! #
  • Sky+ the IT CROWD!! RT @Glinner: Pens? How could pens stop you from watching the show? I WILL SEND YOU PENS! #
  • Game of the #worldcup so far? It's certainly had all the elements of a classic in my book. Pity it's gotta end with spot-kicks. I'm torn. #
  • Ridiculous from gyan! Gotta get that on target son! #gha #worldcup #
  • A goal from a direct free-kick, what a day it's been! #Forlan #uru #worldcup #
  • Well that was coming.ghana hav been transformed the past 15mins.Loss of lugano has unsettled uruguay & conceding just b4 HT never good… #
  • Interesting! Got a link to the full list? Presume sven and capello on top? RT @InfostradaLive: In terms of salary, #gha coach Rajevac and… #
  • Surely it's just a matter of time till uruguay get a goal,theyv been relentless this first 30mins!& isn't diego lugano a good-looking man… #
  • Baghana baghana seem a little out of their depth tonight… #gha #uru #
  • Actually… the tie would need a stripe… sorry! RT @wheatln2: @Euphiophone Were you playing Simon Pegg's part… #
  • Kaka having a better game for #bra today then against chile,maybe he's about to step up to his reputation at last! #ned not looking too hot. #
  • Great read RT @FourFourTwo: FEATURE Andres Escobar died 16 years ago today. What went wrong for Colombia 94? #fb #
  • Just got my argentina germany #worldcup quarter final ticket. touts in cape town are strange. U drive 2 their mansion&they offer coffee… #
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