Category Archives: Football

I AM ONE // Happy birthday blog

Birthday Bumps!!! So a year ago I was just arriving in South Africa for the 2010 FIFA world cup and figured it would be useful to have an online depository for travel writing, videos, photos and your typical self-effacing and … Continue reading

Posted in Canada, featured, Football, Ireland, Movies, Music, Photos, Random, South Africa, TV, wrestling 1 Comment

ANOTHER sad day // Paul Scholes @ MUFC: 1994–2011

Previously: February 2nd 2010. A sad day. The man who gave hope to red-heads all over the world has retired. It was hardly a surprise considering his loss of form, the media coverage over the last few weeks, the fact … Continue reading

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Can Manchester United score? They always score…

90th minute… Losing 1-0. 92nd minute… Winning 2-1. Wednesday 26 May, 1999 may have been one of the greatest nights of my life. Not just in sporting terms but in y’know, “general living” terms… On the eve of Manchester United’s third … Continue reading

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Guess who also celebrates a birthday today?

How did I not know this already? OK, so we all know it’s Bob Dylan’s birthday today (and I went on an epic ramble here), but I had forgotten that May 24 also marks the birthday of another hero of … Continue reading

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Ryan Giggs loves yoga

“I hardly drink any alcohol these days. I have taken up yoga, which is great.” Last summer while watching Ryan Giggs continue to defy time I remember thinking he needed to bring out a fitness DVD. If Kerry Katona can … Continue reading

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February 2nd 2010. A sad day.

A little bit of me gone. It’s not often that you get two big surprises in a day. Unfortunately yesterday brought a double dose of something sad. First of all, Twitter informs me, in very simple terms… And then a … Continue reading

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Brazil go out!

And Uruguay sneak though… What a crazy day of quarter-final action that was. I watched both Brazil 1-2 Netherland and Ghana 1-1 Uruguay (Uru win 4-2 on penalties) in a nice wee pub (or “the only pub” as you could … Continue reading

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Yaaay, the knock-out stages!

Also known as… a 0-0 won’t get you anywhere now lads. So I’m getting set to head to Johannesburg this morning after a week away from all the real action in Clarens, Kimberley and Bloemfontein. Hung out with some Honduras … Continue reading

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